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Family & Friends Railcard

1/3 off rail fares, 60% off kids’ fares, and so much more...

You don’t need an excuse to spend time with your friends and family. But we’re going to give you one anyway:

  • 1/3 off rail fares for up to 4 adults and 60% off for up to 4 kids between 5 and 15
  • Two adults can be named on one card, so when one cardholder isn’t using it, the other can
  • The Railcard costs just £30, so after a couple of trips, the card will have paid for itself
  • Over a year, you could save an average of £116
  • Your Railcard doesn’t just save you money on travel, it saves you money with our partners too. Visit our Offers and Rewards area and things to do in London page to find out more.
Select duration of Railcard
Choose the type of Railcard you would like:
We offer both digital and plastic versions of this Railcard type. Digital Railcards are managed using an app on your phone, whereas plastic Railcards are printed and sent to you in the post.

Who is the Railcard being purchased for?
You are able to purchase this Railcard for yourself or on behalf of somebody else. If you are purchasing on behalf of somebody else, you will need a valid email address for them.

Terms and Conditions
Our terms and conditions statement clearly outlines the conditions for purchasing and using this Railcard. Please review them carefully before proceeding. If you have any questions regarding the terms of this Railcard, please contact customer services.
Terms and Conditions
Our terms and conditions statement clearly outlines the conditions for purchasing and using this Railcard. Please review them carefully before proceeding. If you have any questions regarding the terms of this Railcard, please contact customer services.